Report release: Tolvik's UK Energy from Waste Statistics for 2022

2022 saw the lowest year on year increase in EfW inputs since Tolvik’s annual EfW statistics report was first published in 2014. This was in large part a function of the commissioning profile of new EfWs, although 2022 also saw the lowest average EfW availability since 2015. It is noted that a significant number of APRs made reference to the adverse impact of gas canisters in Residual Waste on EfW reliability.

Turbine reliability continues to improve, helping to contribute to a significant increase in power exports.

Analysis of expanded data on Net Calorific Value (“NCV”) would appear to further support the analysis in last year’s report that the average NCV of unprocessed Residual Waste is around 5% higher than in 2017.

To find out more, the full UK Energy from Waste Statistics – 2022 report is now available and can be download free of charge from