UK Energy from Waste - Merchant Gate Fee Report
This is an updated version of Tolvik's first UK Energy from Waste Merchant Gate Fee Report (published in September 2019) and is a companion document to our annual UK Energy from Waste Statistics Report which is now in its fifth year.
This report is available to buy via Stripe, our secure payment provider. Once we receive notification of payment from Stripe, an electronic version of the report will be emailed to you as soon as possible. Any queries, please email info@tolvik.com
In this Report:
- Commentary on currently available UK-wide gate fee data.
- Segmentation of the EfW market by contract types and establishment of market scale.
- Analysis of current and historic EfW gate fees.
- Review of lessons from Europe.
- Consideration of possible methodology when more data is available for projecting UK merchant EfW gate fees.